Citizen & Community Advocates for Best-In-Class Hospital Operator
About - Our Hospital! Key West
We are Key West Residents, Citizens, and Community Advocates seeking the Best-In-Class Hospital Operator of our Public Hospital. We are current and former CEO's, CFO's, Directors, MBA's, Big Business Owners, Small Business Owners, Physicians, Nurses, Healthcare Practitioners, Healthcare Workers, Attorneys, Teachers, Consultants, City & County Workers, Homemakers, Hospitality Workers, Retiree's, and many other professions. Perhaps more importantly, we're One Human Family. And, we intend to advocate, participate, even self-determine the highest possible standard of healthcare for our Citizens with our publicly owned Lower Keys Medical Center Hospital Ownership.
Why "Our Hospital"
In short, Lower Keys Medical Center (the Stock Island Facility specifically) is a Public Hospital. It's literally our Hospital. And, our Public Hospital is the responsibility of The Lower Florida Keys Hospital District, (aka "The District"), governed by State appointed Board of Commissioners. Currently, our District Hospital includes our Public Hospital (Stock Island), and an additional facility formerly known as The dePoo Facility or Hospital on Kennedy Drive which is leased to the Hospital Operator (long story, see our Who's Who for more information). Our combined Hospitals are currently leased by Community Health Systems (CHS), a for profit Public Company headquartered in Franklin, TN. On April 30th, 2029, the 30 Year Lease with CHS ends with both facilities. While this may seem like a long ways off to realize a Best-In-Class Hospital Group, our work as a community and as advocates should begin now.
Our Mission
To educate Key West Residents and Community Stakeholders on the many important dynamics of our Lower Keys Medical Center Hospital, and how these dynamics profoundly affect our day-to-day lives, given that our current Hospital Operator (CHS) lease ends April 30th, 2029.
To facilitate competitive Hospital offerings from leading South Florida Hospital Groups which are financially stable, well-regarded and well-rated, such that our Community and the Lower Florida Keys Hospital District can make an objective determination as to which Hospital Operator / Lessee is truly in the best interests of our community, versus any presumption that the existing Lessee should receive a presumptive lease extension at the end of their lease on or before April 30th, 2029.
Our core principle is that existing Hospital Operator / Lessee (CHS) should not be the "presumptive next Lessee" when their lease ends on April 30, 2029. Further, given that CHS has already expressed their interest in negotiating a new lease (December of 2023), OHkw believes that a quantitative comparison of other Hospital Operators is also now necessary, which would be inclusive of Levels of Care which would be offered to attain the responsibility and privilege of being our sole Acute Hospital provider as of May 2029. OHkw has been advocating since February 2024 the District consider these issues well in advance.
Only through an objective comparison of numerous Hospital Operators inclusive of all aspects for considerations, can any of us be certain which Hospital Operator is truly in our community's best interest for our future.
To become one of our Citizen Advocates, please let us know here!